Testament – A TF2 Snipe Movie by Ace

Originally posted by Ace.

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Download the full quality version at


My first attempt at creating a full video.

This is a Team Fortress 2 Snipe Movie I’ve made after slapping together some decent footage and nice shots from recent scrims. I hoped to create something different from average frag videos that only showcase endless headshots against scrubs and easy targets.

I’ve lost quite a bit of footage due to the recent TF2 update, so pardon the short length of this movie.

Please forgive my amateur video editing skills. Hope you enjoy the movie! Constructive comments are appreciated.

8 thoughts on “Testament – A TF2 Snipe Movie by Ace”

  1. There was a part where you headshot a demo flying up to gravelpit C roof, that was yanhao!

    You’ve officially made him emo by slow-mo ing his scene, good job! 😡

    Great video though, enjoyed every minute, esp the skit

  2. Thanks for the comments guys.
    I’m up for practice games! Just let me know whenever.

    Oh so it was yanhao! I was wondering who Onion Man was.
    Hey on the bright side that scene was everyone’s favourite!

  3. its great.

    There was hs of malice, lone and yan. LOL !

    Yan’s 1 was the best seriously.

    great job.

    the only thing was the demoui was there, it could have been better if its not there. =D

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